I love Aunties. Everyone needs to have Aunties in their
life. Lots of Aunties.
Aunties are like Mom, but Not-Mom. When you’re a kid or
teen, sometimes you need a trustworthy adult to confide in or ask questions
that you can’t, for whatever reason, ask your own parents. Aunties can give you a little different
perspective about the world. Aunties don’t mind giving you a little extra candy
or sneaking you that first grownup book that might be a LITTLE bit above your
current reading and maturity level. Aunties are like your first therapist and
if you’re REALLY lucky, you might get some Aunties that are a teensy bit
subversive. We all need a little subversive influence now and again.
Aunties aren’t just important when you’re a kid. When you
grow up, you might find yourself with some new Aunties. They might be a trusted
professor or coworker or boss with life experience they’re willing to share
with you. They look out for you. They
teach you how to navigate the tricky grownup world. Business people like to
call these “mentors” but the older I get, the more I realize what they really
are. They are Aunties in business suits.
So why exactly am I on about Aunties today? Because this
morning I lost one.
We weren’t related biologically, but she was definitely my
Auntie. I’ve known her literally my entire life. Most of the memories I have of
my early childhood involve our families doing things together. We were family.
She was my second Mom and I’ve always thought of her daughters as sisters, even
if we’ve grown apart as adults.
Once upon a time, at a pivotal point in my early 20s, this
particular Auntie gave me some invaluable advice that I will never, ever
forget. It was kind of a funny conversation. Not even a topic we would normally
have talked about, but she’d just observed a situation unfolding and a tiny subversive
Auntie streak (a streak I didn't know she had) came roaring to life.
She told me to always remember that my life is exactly that –
MINE. And regardless of what external pressure I’m under and no matter WHO is
applying that pressure, there are times you simply cannot go along with everyone
else’s expectations. Because some compromises you can never take back. Your
heart knows what is right. Listen to it.
And I did. Every time I find myself at a crossroads in life, I
listen to what my heart is saying. What it’s ACTUALLY saying, not what I WANT
it to say and definitely not what other people are telling me it SHOULD say.
Sometimes that
means I’ve made decisions that other people didn’t really like. But I’ve never
made a decision that was ultimately wrong. Ever.
That was the most precious gift any Auntie ever gave me.
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